Humidity is close to 73%.ĭaytime temperature stays around 19°c and at night it goes to 11°c. In April, Detroit gets 137.76mm of rain and approximately 9 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 11°c and at night it feels like 4°c. For the most part the humidity is around 75%. In the month of March on average Detroit gets 82.40mm of rain and approximately 6 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 85%.ĭaytime temperature stays around 6°c and at night it goes to -1°c. In February, Detroit gets 70.43mm of rain and approximately 5 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around -1°c and at night it feels like -6°c. For the most part the humidity is around 83%. In the month of January on average Detroit gets 70.41mm of rain and approximately 6 rainy days in the month. Detroit weather in Januaryĭaytime temperature stays around -2°c and at night it goes to -7°c. If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Detroit section. Travelling to Detroit? Check out our Weather averages of Detroit to better plan your holiday or travel. June and May receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 160.22mm. Which months receive most rainfall in Detroit? January and February are the coldest months with temperature at around -7°c. In these month temperature is at around 24°c and average of 316.5 hours of sunshine in a month. June and September are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Detroit. The windiest of all days will be Sunday 7 th August as wind will reach 12mph or 19kmph at around 3 pm. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Detroit, United States of America. The national weather service for Detroit, United States of America is reporting Monday 8 th August to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 18.60mm or 0.7 inches of rainfall. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 19℃ or 65℉ on Tuesday 9 th August at around 1 pm. Looking at the weather in Detroit, United States of America over the week, the maximum temperature will be 35℃ (or 94℉) on Sunday 7 th August at around 2 pm. David-Donehower Funeral Home is serving the family.What is the weather in Detroit, United States of America for today, tomorrow and beyond? Interment will be in the church cemetery. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ole and Christina, a brother, Jesse, Sisters, Olga Wilke and Ellen Olmstead and a brother, Paul JohnsonĪ celebration of Lorna’s life will be Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 2:00 pm at Egelund Lutheran Church in rural Detroit Lakes with visitation 1 hour prior to the service, Pastor Kim Schnitzer, officiating. Lorna is survived by her children, Crystal (Paul) Sword, Alan (Mary) Braget and Lori (Russ) Shoemaker grandchildren, Aaron (Melissa) Thompson, Heather Braget, Jessica Braget, Rusty Shoemaker great grandchildren: Paige, and Spencer Thompson, a sister Gladys Johnson, nieces, and nephews. Lorna’s last two and a half years were spent making friends at Bigfork Valley Communities. She spent a few years living in Cloquet, MN to be closer to her children. When Al passed away in 2000, Lorna moved back to her hometown of Detroit Lakes. They loved all the warm Southern winter weather as well as all the new people they met along the way. They kept busy and enjoyed selling merchandise at area flea markets, as well ice cream and food from their dairy wagon. They received a top sales award with a prize of an 8-day trip to the Hawaiian Islands.Īfter retirement, they bought a motorhome and traveled. In 1974, they moved to Mizpah, MN where Al and Lorna opened a real estate office through Strout Realty. Lorna once again opened a beauty shop while in Bagley. In 1964, they moved to Bagley and lived on the shores of Lamond Lake. Grand Forks, MN where Lorna opened her first beauty shop. They moved to Pelican Rapids, MN and Grand Forks, ND before moving to E. They are the parents Lorna (Johnson) Braget, 94, formerly of Detroit Lakes, MN, passed away peacefully at Bigfork of three children, Crystal, Alan and Lori. Cloud, Mason City, IA and Aberdeen, SD where Lorna worked as a model and salesgirl in Pred’s Women’s Clothing Store. Lorna was united in marriage to Al Braget in 1947 in Minneapolis. She is a 1946 graduate of Detroit Lakes High School and a 1947 graduate of Parision School of Cosmetology and Hair Design in Minneapolis, MN. She was baptized and confirmed at Egelund Lutheran Church and attended grade school in District 77 country school. Lorna was born November 18,1927 in Holmesville Township, rural Rochert, MN to Ole and Christina (Momb) Johnson. Lorna (Johnson) Braget, 94, formerly of Detroit Lakes, MN, passed away peacefully at BigFork Communities with her daughters at her side on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 12:08am.