Similarly, if there are outriggers or skids, then the center of their contacts will constitute a track. In a bogie-wheel configuration, the distance between the geometric centers of the two main bogies. The distance measured as a straight line between the outer points of contact of the star-board and the port main wheels. The path followed by a tip of a propeller or rotor blade as it rotates.
#Across the tracks series
A series of related contacts displayed on a plotting board. To lock onto a point of radiation and obtain guidance from there. To display or record the successive positions of a moving object. It is indicated by a line marked on the master flight chart with two arrows or another agreed-upon designator. The projection on the earth's surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic or grid) (ICAO). Olympic tracks are located near Tokyo and in Mexico City, Munich, Montreal, and Moscow. The best-known tracks abroad are in Amsterdam, Hanover, Rome, Milan, Paris, San Sebastian, Brno, Warsaw, and Leipzig. The best-known tracks in the USSR are found in Moscow, Tula, Tallinn, and Tbilisi. Asphalt is used as a rule for outdoor combination tracks. Most modern bicycle tracks are indoor structures and have wooden surfaces. The angle of inclination of the curves varies from 20° to 44°. Motorcycle tracks measure at least 2.5 km long. The length of the track may vary from 250 m or less to 500 m, and the width from 6 m to 8 m combination motorbike and bicycle tracks range from 500 m to 666.7 m in length and 8 m to 10 m or more in width. Soviet tracks are distinguished according to length as sprinterskii (“sprinter length”), polustaerskii (“semi-long-distance”), staerskii (“longdistance”), and universal’nyi (“universal”) another category is the motovelodrom (stadium for motorbike races). There are both outdoor and indoor tracks. The path is banked on the inside, and on the outside it has a barrier separating it from the stands. It may consist of two straight sections connected by inclined semicircular curves, curves with varying centers, parabolic curves, or other higher-degree curve some tracks are elliptical and without straight sections.

A track is a bounded path with a hard surface of concrete, wood, or asphalt.

A sports facility for bicycle and motorcycle training and racing.